Making and finding snacks that your kids will like and you feel good giving them can sometimes be tricky! You’re cringing as they reach for the chocolate dipped granola bars and they cringe as you try to feed them brussels sprouts. I know that this used to be a common struggle in my house, now we have a few go-to snacks and everything is pretty simple. Although, if I were to be totally honest with you here, sometimes giving your kid that granola bar you hate is the best way to go for everyone’s sanity!
Cut up fruit and veg – I’m 100% serious about the CUT UP part of this suggestion. If I tell my children to go eat an apple they look at me like I grew an extra head. Yet, if I set out a plate of cut up apple they are all gone in seconds, SECONDS!
Crackers, meat, and cheese – Yes, this is my “fancy” way of saying make your own Lunchables! Kids love them but they are honestly filled with junky food so just find the types of things you’d like your kids to eat and make your own!
Yougut with cut up fruit – My kids hate the yogurt with chunks but if I cut up some fruit and let the dip it into the yogurt they go nuts for it! I think this comes back to their love for things cut up!
Fries – No, I’m actually not kidding. Back up some homemade fries and your kiddos will be super excited for snacktime!
Apple slices and peanut butter – I think the cut up fruit is becoming a trend here! If you have allergies in the house you can get WOW Butter, which is basically nut free peanut butter.
Mini pizzas – These can be made on the mini bagels or english muffins. You simply put some sauce on, cheese, add your toppings and bake until the cheese melts. Super simple, super delicious!
Cucumber and cream cheese – Sounds weird, but kids really like it. You just slice the cucumbers and spread a little cream cheese on the top.
Smoothie or smoothie pops – Smoothies are pretty straightforward but did you know that you can freeze them is ice pops for a healthy alternative to a popsicle!
Wrap rolls with hummus – Roll it, cut it, bite-size finger food! This is usually the snack we bring to the kid-friendly potluck lunches and they always disappear quickly! If you want to keep little hands off the stack simply just stick a toothpick in them once they are cut up!
Apple Sauce – You can get applesauce in so many convenient little packs that this is honestly one of the best on-the-go snacks that I know of.