Dear Me (And Other Homeschooling Mamas);
I am writing to you, myself, this letter for when I forget how far I have come. For the days when I feel like I am failing at everything and the world is against me. I want to have something to look back on and remind myself that everything is going to be alright. Hopefully, this will also help some other people who are feeling like their homeschool isn’t at its best right now.
I want to let you know that you will continually feel like you are failing, but you are wrong. Your children are learning, even when you think they are not. Your family is happy, even when the day seems a mess. The house is fine, even when everything doesn’t get done as planned! You are doing a better job that you know and your kids think you’re great even when you aren’t so sure!
This will be both the hardest and most gratifying journey of your life. Both watching your children learn and learning alongside them is such an amazing opportunity. You and your children will learn more than you ever thought was possible! You will be able to explore all the things you have always wanted to and you will get to encourage your children to explore their interests as well.
Don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t go the way you had planned, chances are you will look back and see they happened just as they were meant to! Be open to trying new things, don’t be afraid to go against the norm. Not everyone will understand when you are doing but the people who do will become some of the best friends you will have. Finding these like-minded people wherever you are will make homeschooling, and parenting in general, a much more exciting journey!
Don’t ever give up on your goals, but be willing to change things up if they really aren’t working. There are tons of different ways you can run your homeschool so if something isn’t working for your family you don’t need to keep doing it just because that’s what you started with! Change and grow as you learn how you and your family learn best!
Always remember to have fun!
Love always,

You can find tons of other great posts by other homeschool moms here: http://schoolhousereviewcrew.com/homeschool-collection-first-edition/
Such a wonderful reminder!
So happy to have you here! I definitely find myself in need of this reminder often so I figured there’s probably other amazing mamas out there in need of the same reminder! ❤️
This was so inspiring, Thank you for the great reminder. Homeschooling has been an awesome journey so far.
Thank you for taking the time to comment, I’m glad that you found this inspiring! I think that everyone homeschooling is a journey, the best we can do is to look on the bright side, not stress the small stuff, and be there for each other! ❤️