Life Since Being Back In Mexico! 🇲🇽
Life Since Being Back In Mexico! 🇲🇽

Life Since Being Back In Mexico! 🇲🇽


Life since being back in MEXICO!

In mid February we departed once again, this time however we traveled by land, thanks to the supporters who sponsored the purchase of our van! We drove for SEVEN days, stoping along the way to visit missionary friends and teammates.

It was a fantastic trip fill with beautiful moments and we got our “van life adventure” for a week. Sleeping in the van was so much fun and helped us save a lot money as we traveled across America!

In true Rancho Abierto style we were welcomed back with open arms! We hit the ground running easily plugging back into the base and finding many ways to serve while we waited to start the official staff training period for the next DTS/Foundation School season!

There were a lot of building projects that still needed to be completed before the students were even able to arrive. Houses to be built, water lines to be run, outhouses to be completed, and so much more. More than once I found myself questioning if we would even get everything done.

The work continued until arrival day, as the families were getting picked up from the airports every staff member that was still on base was scurrying around to finish all of the last minute projects.

And in true miracle style, at the last moment, everything came together!

“Off The Grid” Foundation School

Being a part of the second ever Rancho Abierto Foundation School has been so much fun this far! Of course there’s many challenges that arise during the pioneering process but as many of you know, Warren and I are always up for a challenge! Power that isn’t working, doors that don’t fit, no resource surplus, and many other things; we could look at them with a negative view, or we can continue to believe God called us here for a reason and rise to the challange!

We are stepping into week four and we can already sense what foundations God is laying in these children’s lives and we are thrilled that He has brought us here to be a part of it! We are able to guide them in this incredible journey of realizing their personal relationship with God while also teaching them key truths and abolishing lies that they have picked up in their life.

We really sensed that for our classroom in particular the Lord would be working with the kids on a rooting deep into Himself. That these missionary kids would walk away firmly grasping onto their calling and believe fully that they are a part of His plan.

If you want to see more frequent updates we encourage you to follow is on FACEBOOK and/or INSTAGRAM!

If you feel it on your heart to support our family as we follow God in the mission field we would be blessed to have you as a part of our team! We wouldn’t be able to do any of the things that we do without the partnership of people like you.

Read our last post here:

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