Hearts To Start A Mobile Medical Ministry
Hearts To Start A Mobile Medical Ministry

Hearts To Start A Mobile Medical Ministry

God gave us a huge vision!

He has placed on our hearts to start a mobile medical ministry. We are so excited that we are being called into the two handed gospel of medical ministry, something that we would have never thought was possible without His guidance!

We have a 3 to 5 year plan, with a couple of crucial steps, to make this happen but we expect that even through that God will be working in and around us so that everything will be His will.

Our first step is to put some more tools in our tool belt. We realize that we need to be equipped for the job God is giving us.

1. Primary Healthcare School – This will allow us to learn how to help people in medical need and to approach healthcare from a biblical way.
2. Spanish Language School – With this we will learn as a family to speak Spanish fluently so that we are able to communicate fully with a heart connection to Spanish speaking peoples.
3. Bible School for the Nations – In this school we will learn the skills to help support pastors and community leaders in their discipleship; teaching them and helping them grow in their knowledge of the bible.

Our second step would be a visit the area in which we believe that God has called us, THE DARIEN GAP. We know that before we put boots on the ground somewhere we need to go to the area and really seek guidance from the Lord while we are there, connect with local ministries, and confirm the best location for this ministry.

The third and final step is to join with people who want to be a part of our team!

These are…

•People committed to praying for our family on a regular basis but also prayer people that we can contact in times of decision making or crisis.
•People who feel connected to this vision to support this ministry and our family financially.
•People who are there to support us when we are home; places to stay, cars to borrow, and meals to eat!

If you feel like being a part of this team and a part of this ministry is something that God is placing on your heart we ask that you would commit to adding us to your prayer list!
—> Thank you, thank you! <— To all of those who have supported us thus far, who have prayed for us, and who have championed us… THANK YOU! We can’t even express in words the gratitude that we have. Our deepest hope is that you feel a part of what God is doing through us and that we have been able to add something into your life. We are so blessed to have you a part of our team already!

Over the past few months we have been doing a lot of research about the Darien Gap. We have learned so many devastating facts about the area that it breaks our hearts for these people. It hurts our hearts so much that we just want to get on a plane and go and help, but we know that we need to wait for God’s timing. God has laid out a plan for us and we know that we cannot rush that plan. We need to stay in prayer and put our full faith and trust in God and that He knows what He is doing.

This quick little video is from Doctors Without Borders who just recently opened up in the area in May to help with the influx of migrants crossing the Darien Gap. Doctors Without Borders made this quick video that shows the reality of what is going on in this part of the world.

We strongly feel God is calling us to help in this area as we know that with God we can make a positive difference in the lives of many migrants. Please be praying for these migrants as they literally are in a hopeless situation. Please also be praying for the Panamanian and Columbian governments as they come up with a viable solution for these migrants.


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