Full of work, full of learning, full of love. – Preparing to teach in Foundation School
Full of work, full of learning, full of love. – Preparing to teach in Foundation School

Full of work, full of learning, full of love. – Preparing to teach in Foundation School

A new adventure everyday.

We are learning to change our mindsets about challenges and we are starting to see all the new challenges that arise as new adventures that we get to walk through being a part of this pioneering season.

All of the “new adventures” mean that we get to learn many new stills and use the many skills that we already have.

Thank you for your understanding and patience!

We would like to give our deepest thanks to all of you for being patient and understanding as we settle into our new roles and learn how to have consistent updates going out despite the challenges we are learning to overcome. The amount of people who have reached out to make sure that we are alright and who have personally asked for updates have touched our hearts. We know how important these newsletters are to keeping you updated on our work, we will continue to work hard on our end bring these updates to you consistently. Again, thank you.

So, what have we been doing anyways…

We have been busy with a lot of different things, some of which I’m sure you wouldn’t even imagine but I can see Gods hand in it all, teaching us and helping us grow.

Warren has been serving a lot with what I like to call the “heart of the ranch”, things that we may not always see, keeping this place running until they aren’t working! He’s been caring for our generator which provides power to the ranch, he’s fixed crucial systems like the propane storage and running the propane lines to the new showers.

Sometimes I can’t believe how much knowledge he has from his previous jobs and life experience that God is now showing him, he can use for missions.

I have also been busy, being stretched and grown by God. I was asked to take a role sorting and managing he massive amount of food donations that we get each week along with shopping for anything that we need for the base. This has been a huge learning process and surprisingly I have been learning a lot about myself, how I deal with people, and conflict. I am learning how to handle stressful situation, like mice in the kitchen or almost running out of toilet paper, without become completely stressed. I am also learning how to ask for help, I think part of why God placed me with a job too big for me is because He is trying to teach me that needing help is okay and asking for it before I am overwhelmed is actually what makes me stronger.

Along with all of that, Warren and I are also “Family DTS Staff” which means that we sit through the lectures with the students and help facilitate conversations, create an atmosphere of openness for students to feel safe to open up, and support people as they break down walls, become free from pains, and break strongholds.

It’s a privilege to walk through such a life changing time with these people that we have grown so close with. We are able to really connect with them and see Jesus moving in their families.

What I find so neat is how God is changing each person to be ready for their next mission; some of these families will go back to the spheres of society in which they came from
as new people ready to shine a light and share the gospel, some of these families will
go out into the nations and start their own missionary stories, and some of these
families will join us here next year as we help guide more family into living in the fullness that God has for them.

My kids may be dirty, our clothes might pile up as we wait for laundry day, and some nights we are so tired that we are asleep before the generator even turns off, but I
know that this is where the Lord has called us and I am so happy to be walking this
path with my family.

Because every challenge is just new adventure waiting to be had.

¡Dios es bueno!

We would love your prayers for:

Continued financial support ; as we give longer term commitments to our current base in Mexico it would be great for us to have continual monthly support so that we are able to budget better.

A vehicle ; We are praying for a family vehicle that can handle the rough 9 mile ranch road so that we can go into town for both personal and base needs. A truck seems like the best vehicle to handle the road. — In a slightly more dreamy prayer, Warren and I would eventually like to purchase and convert a school bus (The Red Letter Bus) for our family o have somewhere to call our home base while we serve in missions and to use for ministry as we are feeling more and more called to Mexico, Central and South America and have been dreaming of ways to go on outreaches across these nations.

For our next steps ; We now know that we will be returning to Hawaii for the September 2021 quarter to staff in the Foundation School, the children’s school that runs tandem with the family dts. We will learn the heart of this ministry and key tips to bring back with us as we help to pioneer the children’s school here at YWAM Rancho Abierto.

God is good!

full of love


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