My daughter has recently taken up a liking for art. She’s only five years old but I really want to allow her to explore this so I figured some art related gifts might be a good idea! When I went to the store to find some things though there were so many different options and it was a bit overwhelming! I figured I would compile a list of the best things I found so that it’s a little easier for you!
Drawing Supplies
For the most part you can find these drawing supplies at any store, we usually buy them from Micheals or Walmart. You could also try more specailty shops but depending on the age of your child you might not want to be spending tons and tons of money on art supplies. I find that the store brand from Micheals is the best for drawing supplies.
- Drawing pencils
- Pads of paper
- Rulers or stecles
- Coloured penciles
- Pastels
- Felt tip markers
- Full drawing kits
Paint Supplies
I find that having a stock of hard paints, tempra or watercolour, at all times and then buying the other types of paint when we need it usually works best. Most of the painting that we do is on paper because it’s easier to store large amounts of paper, but when there’s a sale I will buy some blank canvases for painting too.
- Hard tempra paints
- Watercolour paints
- Paint brushes
- Blank Canvases
- Paint pens

Craft Supplies
These can be things for crafting or even craft boxes. Craft boxes or kits are just kits that you buy that include all the supplies and instructions. These types of arts are best for kids who want to do things independently. Honestly, there are tons and tons of awesome craft kits but here are a few ideas.
- Ceramic painting sets
- Craft kits
- Needle felting kits
- Sewing kits, teddy bears
- Wood painting
- Different types of glue
- Loose craft supplies; pompoms, pipe clearers, feathers, popcilce sticks